Jason's Blog

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Penelope's six-pack abs

Ok, maybe Penelope doesn't have a six-pack, yet. But for the first time, we can now feel her abdominal muscles flexing. Granted, they are covered with a nice layer of fat, but they are definitely there. They are easiest to feel when she is being held in a seated position or when she is lying on her back and lifting her legs. When she flexes her abs, they feel rock hard. It's pretty awesome. I think we're going to start her on crunches soon. And I'm totally getting her a thigh-master for Christmas. Feel the burn, baby.

New address, better blog

Hello my few readers. When I first started my blog, I decided to put it on www.threeps.net (my "personal" website) rather than on www.katie-jason.net (our "family" website). At the time, this seemed to make sense. Well, I've finally convinced Katie to start contributing to the blog, and now it doesn't seem right for my posts and her posts to be in two different locations. So, for those of you who access these blog posts through www.threeps.net/blog, please update your bookmarks to www.katie-jason.net/blog. At this new address, you will see not just my posts, but also Katie's posts. (However, at least a few people, like my Mom, already get to my blog posts through links on katie-jason.net. These people don't need to change anything.)

Back on the wall

Here is a back-dated post for this weekend. Katie is back to rock climbing! After Katie got the OK from her doctor for physical activity, we decided to see how she would do back in the climbing gym. On Sunday, we fed Penelope, then loaded her into the car along with our climbing gear. Penelope fell asleep in the car, as planned, and stayed asleep in her car seat the whole time we were at the gym (about 1 hour, she started waking up toward the end). Katie did great in the gym. She did four climbs.

The vaccine wars

Well, I have done something that I know I never should have done.  I entered the abyss that is online discussions.  More specifically, I waded into the "to vaccinate or not vaccinate" debate.  Katie and I are both staunch pro-vaccination.  I think even more so now that we have a child.  We want her vaccinated, and we expect everyone around her to be, too (which reminds me, I'm supposed to remind my parents to get their flu shots before coming out here in October, since Penelope is both too young to be vaccinated for the flu and most at risk for complications).  Anyway, I digress (as usual).

Buckets o' Smiles

Well, there is no doubt about it now. Penelope is definitely smiling. This has actually been going on for a few weeks now (Katie marked the "official" first smile on Aug. 14th), but now it has gotten to the point where there are frequent smiles every day. Penelope appears to be happiest on the changing table, but we now get smiles throughout the day. That's not to say that there are no more fussy fits, but now they are broken up with a few smile sessions.


So, according to a few of my very few readers, my posts about Penelope seem to focus frequently on her poop. As my Mom told me, I even appear to be proud of Penelope's pooping prowess (try saying that three times fast). Well, I am. I am proud of my little poop machine. As much as I hate dealing with the consequences, I am very fascinated by her fecal feats. And, at least at this point, pooping is one of her primary activities, so it naturally becomes a frequent topic of conversation, both at home and in the blog. I think Katie and I compete for the nastiest poop experience.

Happy Almost Two Year Anniversary to Us

Katie and I celebrated our two year wedding anniversary a little early this year. On Friday, while Opa Pieter and Grandma Jo were still in town, we left Penelope and went out to a new restaurant, called June, to celebrate. It was a really nice place and a really good dinner. For the first time ever, I ordered the rabbit leg, which turned out to be even more adventurous than I thought. In addition to the leg, I received a mini rack of ribs (very cute), the liver, and the kidney. I bravely tried both the liver and the kidney, and they weren't too bad, but definitely weird.

Updates from the front lines

It's been a while since I posted anything, so I figured I should share a few little things from the past few weeks. The main news is that Seattle has been HOT! Not northeast humid hot (thank god), but 90+ hot nonetheless. However, the big problem with Seattle is that no one is really prepared for the heat, and now that we have a baby, I guess we fall into that category, too. This weekend, to escape the heat, we got in the car (with A/C) and drove to the mall (with A/C). We actually went to the mall because we needed something, but then we stayed there just to enjoy the cool air.

First Restaurant Outing = Success!

This evening, Katie, Kris, and I took Penelope on her first outing to a restaurant, and it was a complete success! We were not sure what the outcome would be at first, and were fully prepared to rotate baby-walking duty while the other two ate. Penelope impressed us all by staying asleep the entire dinner, and it was really nice to get all of us out of the house together. To keep the odds of success in our favor, we decided to go to Tutta Bella in Wallingford, perhaps the most kid and baby friendly restaurant ever.

Back to work

Well, my honeymoon with Penelope had to end at some point. Now, it's time for me to go back to work, while Katie and her mom look after Penelope. Unfortunately for me, Penelope has just started to get more interesting. She has moved past just sleeping, eating, and diapering to being more alert and awake. She's starting to do a better job of looking at things, and her facial expressions have become more interesting. She even smiled at me, although I'm pretty sure this was not intentional. There are some downsides to a more active Penelope.
